How Can You Rebuild Recessed Gums? – Orthodontics for Teens and Adults

Recession of gums. Many people feel that there is an alternative to having gum grafting surgery for correcting the problem. Before you decide on an expensive procedure, there are many options. As always, you should talk to a dentist about all treatments.

Gum growth can be encouraged by doing a number of things. Consider incorporating some of these practices into your regular treatment routine for your teeth, prior to when you have gum surgery.

Find out what is causing your gums to receding. Gum diseases are often an underlying cause. The best advice is to consult with by your dentist to determine which treatment is best for you. Avoid using products that contain caustic chemicals, which can cause gum damage, such as tobacco or snuff. Lack of vitamin A and other vitamins could cause shrinking gums. So, make sure you are taking a daily supplement. Many people find baking soda transformed into a paste using peroxide can stimulate gum growth. Clean your teeth thoroughly and floss regularly.

Recessed gums can be detrimental to keeping your natural teeth Therefore, be sure to give your gums the same care you give your teeth. If all natural activities don’t work, you may have look into chewing your gum recontouring.
