Her Justice Provides the Low Income Women of New York City Legal Advice and Representation – NYC Independent Press

The Interagency Task Force on Human Trafficking in New York State reported 1,841 incidents of human trafficking from 2007 until 2020. The majority of these were female. Most cases were sex-trafficking (1,360) along with labour trafficking (378). Sexually-related trafficking leads to racial motivated prostitution arrests, which could lead to criminal convictions for those who have been victims. Then, they are unable to locate other jobs that offer lucrative job. These people are subject to ICE deportations , and those who abuse of traffickers are difficult to leave. To aid victims of trafficking, Her Justice works with a range of lawyers, like a family lawyer and disability lawyer.
The Honourable Justice Sandra G.

The Resiliency Project for Trafficking Survivors is designed to safeguard survivors of trafficking (with particular attention to Mandarin speakers) with the help of:

Provide civil legal services for their clients to help stabilize their legal standing and provide security as well as financial stability. Action for the elimination of the clients’ criminal convictions or records due to violence. Making plans for a T Visa pro bono placement program to partner pro bono providers with survivors of trafficking. Instilling education regarding survivors’ rights in the context of trafficking, domestic violence , and immigration. In advocating for them at the local and federal level Her Justice will strive to stop the circumstances that facilitate trafficking as well as remove obstacles that stop trafficking survivors from getting the justice they deserve. Immigration Survivor Employment Access Project

The majority of women are at high risks of domestic violence. Women who are immigrants are more likely to be abused. They’re an immigrant’s community.
